Take control of your super this International Women’s Day
8 March 2024Section Heading

In celebration of International Women's Day, we want to commemorate the achievements of the amazing women who have worked or are currently working for the South Australian Government. You have all played an important role in the betterment of our state, and we cannot thank you enough.
We also want to use it as an opportunity to raise awareness about the fact that women in Australia retire with up to 23.4% less super than men1. This happens because they often need to take more time off from work to raise children or care for family members, impacting their income, career progression, and super.
This puts women at a disadvantage when it comes to their retirement savings, but the impact can be lessened by acting now and checking in on your super and educating yourself to make informed decisions.
Make extra contributions
Employer contributions are not the only way to build your super. You may also be able to make voluntary before-tax contributions via salary sacrifice or after-tax contributions directly from your bank account to help it grow.
Knowing which one is right for you, or whether you should make extra contributions at all, depends on your circumstances. Find out more here.
Consolidate your super
Having more than one super account means you may be paying more fees and have a harder time managing your super. But did you know you may be able to consolidate your super into one account by rolling over the funds and pay less fees? Find out more here.
Before consolidating your super, check with your other super fund or funds to see if consolidating your super could impact any of the benefits you have, like insurance cover. We also recommend seeking financial advice from a professional beforehand to make sure it is in your best interests.
Understand your investment options
Most members, have access to different investment options, with different objectives, time horizons, and levels of risk. You have the option to pick and choose between them or invest in any combination of them.
Do you know which option your super is invested in, or whether it is the right option for you? Learn more about the different investment options and how they are performing, or see what type of investor you are by accessing our Risk Profiler.
Check your insurance
Life is unpredictable. Your health, wellbeing, and ability to work can change overnight. But while it is impossible to predict the unpredictable, you can be as prepared as possible by reviewing your insurance cover.
A good place to start is to check your annual statement to find out what insurance cover you have, and by using our Income Protection Quote Calculator or Death and TPD Quote Calculator to find out how much cover you may need.
Learn about super
Super can be confusing, but a little education can go a long way.
We offer a range of free webinars, seminars, and boardroom sessions including one called Super Money Makeover for Women that is designed to help you understand more about the challenges women face with super and run you through some basics on investment, insurance, contributions, and more.
Get expert advice
For financial planning advice, speak to a licenced financial planner. You can visit the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) website https://faaa.au/ and access their “Find a Planner” service to locate an FAAA member near you.
Stay updated on the Member Portal
Your Member Portal is your one-stop shop for keeping tabs on your super, updating your details, and more. It is in your best interests to check regularly and make it a part of your routine if you have not already. Register here.
Please note that you might need your Client ID, which may be found on any communication or correspondence you have received from us, or by contacting Member Services on (08) 8214 7800.
Following a few simple steps, can make a big difference for your future and the retirement you deserve. |