SA Ambulance Service Super Scheme
SA Ambulance Service
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People employed by the SA Ambulance Service prior to 1 July 2008 automatically joined the South Australian Ambulance Service Superannuation Scheme (SAAMB).
New employees of the SA Ambulance Service since 1 July 2008 automatically joined the Triple S Scheme. For more information about Triple S, please visit the Triple S page.
What is the SA Ambulance Service Super Scheme?
• standard contributory member, or
• non-contributory member, or
• spouse member.
The benefit you receive upon leaving the scheme is dependent on what kind of member you are. For more information on your super entitlements.
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Do I have insurance within the SAAMB Scheme?Standard contributory members are generally entitled to the following entitlements:
- Income protection
- Death
- Death & Total and Permanent Disablement
- Serious Ill Health
Standard contributory members can apply for additional voluntary Death & Total and Permanent Disablement insurance cover.
Non-contributory members are not automatically covered for insurance but can choose to apply for voluntary insurance cover.
For further information about your insurance including how to make a claim, please read the SAAMB Scheme Product Disclosure Statement.
What are the fees involved with a SAAMB Scheme?
Investment management fees are deducted from your investment earnings before they’re deposited in your account.
If you’re a standard contributory member, the cost of the standard insurance cover is met by your employer.
For further information about fees and insurance, please read the SAAMB scheme PDS.
Can I transfer to Triple S?
All members of the SAAMB Scheme have the option to transfer their super to Triple S.
However, the two schemes are different, and they may produce different outcomes for your retirement. For further information about transferring to Triple S, please read the Transfer to Triple S information sheet and the Triple S Product Disclosure Statement.
Before you make any decisions, you should seek financial advice.
How do I know if I am a standard contributory member or a non contributory member?
Standard Contributory Members
You’re a standard contributory member if:
- you’re a permanent employee of the SA Ambulance Service, and
- you work 20 hours or more per week.
As a standard contributory member:
- you belong to a "defined benefit" scheme. This means that the employer component of your final entitlement is calculated by using a multiple of your adjusted final average salary.
You’re required to make regular contributions to your account until the age of 60. You can choose to contribute by either:
- making contributions from your after-tax salary. If you do this, your regular contribution percentage is 5% of your salary times your Salary Adjustment Factor1, or
- making contributions from your salary before you have paid tax. If you do this, your regular contribution percentage is 5.9% of your salary times your Salary Adjustment Factor1
You can also make additional contributions either pre-tax or post-tax. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for further information.Your employer also contributes 3% of your award salary to the Scheme (3.72% for elective or emergency services employees) and these contributions are deposited in your Award Account2. The balance in this account is payable in addition to your standard entitlements.
You’re a non-contributory member if:
- you’re a casual employee of the SA Ambulance Service, or
- you work less than 20 hours per week.
As a non-contributory member:
- your employer must contribute the Super Guarantee of 11.5% of your before-tax salary to your super.
- you're not required to make contributions to the Scheme but you can make additional voluntary contributions from your salary before tax, with the prior approval of your employer, or from your after-tax salary.
- your retirement entitlement is made up of the total balances of your accounts, and the value may rise or fall depending on the Scheme’s investment returns.
Your Total Account Balance will be paid to you3 or rolled over into another super fund if you:
- cease employment with SA Ambulance Service
- become totally and permanently disabled
- become terminally ill
- apply for early release of your entitlement
- die
You can nominate who you would like to receive your entitlement should you die. This is known as nominating your beneficiaries.
Can I open a spouse account?
Yes, as an SAAMB Scheme member, you can make contributions to the Scheme on behalf of your spouse.
There are caps to the amount you can contribute into your spouse’s account however your spouse cannot make their own contributions.
Once your spouse’s account has been established it can receive:
- contributions split from your account (applies to salary sacrifice and award/employer contributions only)4
- after-tax contributions made by you4
- one-off contributions made by you4
- super amounts rolled into the Scheme from your spouse’s other super funds.
How can I claim a tax rebate?
You may be able to claim a tax rebate on the contributions you’ve made to the Scheme on behalf of your spouse.
The tax rebate applies to the first $3,000 you contribute each year. The maximum rebate you can get is $540. To be eligible for this, your spouse must be earning less than $37,000 p.a. A reduced rebate is available if your spouse earns between $37,000 and $40,000 per year.
The Annual Statement we send you after 30 June will report all the contributions you’ve made into your spouse’s account. You can use this to prepare your annual tax return, and if eligible, claim the tax offset on the contributions.
What happens if I leave the Scheme?
If you leave the Scheme, your spouse will need to decide what they’d like to do with their account.
They cannot leave it in the scheme but they can elect to roll it over to a complying super fund. Any non-preserved super can be paid in cash subject to the Commonwealth preservation rules.3
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Want to learn more about your options?
Information and advice
For financial planning advice, speak to a licenced financial planner. You can visit the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) website and access their “Find a Planner” service to locate an FAAA member near you.
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2 This account contains the award contributions paid to the Scheme by your employer, plus investment earnings, less contributions tax.
3 Tax maybe payable on withdrawal.
4 Limits apply. Please refer to the SAAMB scheme PDS for more information.