Triple S Insurance
Triple S Insurance
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Insurance through the Triple S Scheme
By default, eligible Triple S Scheme members may receive two types of insurance with their super:
- Standard Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance , and
- Income Protection (IP) Insurance .
From there, your clients can choose to alter their insurance by switching from Standard Death and TPD Insurance to Fixed Benefit Death and TPD Insurance — this provides your clients with a fixed level of cover up to and including the age of 69.
You clients can apply to increase or decrease their level of cover and can also choose to cancel their cover if they wish.
For more information about insurance through the Triple S Scheme, click through to any of the documents below
Triple S Scheme Fact Sheets

Death & TPD and Death Only Insurance

Income Protection Insurance

Insurance and leaving the public sector

Insurance Restrictions
Insurance through other schemes
Our insurance options vary across the other Super SA schemes.
Please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statements below for more information.