Information for financial planners

Financial Planners

Information for financial planners

Everything you need to know about Super SA schemes and products can be found right here. 

Serving the needs of South Australians like no other fund can

Super SA has been looking after the superannuation needs of SA Government employees for over 120 years. While a lot has changed in that time, our commitment to serving our own and helping our members live their best lives in retirement has only grown stronger.

The fund for SA public sector workers

Most new SA public sector workers automatically become Triple S members. Triple S offers a range of special benefits like no upfront tax on contributions and no annual cap on salary sacrifice contributions. * †

Product information

Get all the information you need about Super SA’s products, including Triple S, Super SA Income Stream, Super SA Select, Flexible Rollover Product and Insurance options. 

Learn more >

More options for members

We’re proud to be offering SA public sector workers more choice and greater flexibility around super, with the introduction of Fund Selection and other changes.

Learn more >

Find a form

Quick links to our most popular forms: 

See all forms and fact sheets >

Fund Selection, Transfers and Limited Public Offer (LPO) for Financial Planners

During November 2022 Super SA ran a suite of presentations for Financial Planners outlining the changes to LPO & FS. 


The current financial market overview

Read the market commentary from Super SA’s investment partner Funds SA here.

Frequently asked questions

  • If your clients are active Triple S Scheme members (including Super SA Select members) under the age of 65, they may be eligible for Income Protection benefits.

    Casual employees do not automatically receive Income protection cover but can apply.

    To learn more about cover that may be available to them, read the Income Protection page here.

  • The majority of Triple S members are provided with three default units1 of Standard Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance until the age of 70.

    Being a combined cover, this means it isn’t possible for members to elect to have Death only (or TPD only) insurance.

    Standard units buy a level of cover that decreases with age.

    Members are able to increase their cover by applying for additional standard units or switch to the Fixed Benefit insurance option.

    With Fixed Benefit insurance, members are able to purchase a fixed level of cover that will remain the same until they reach the age of 70. The premiums for this cover increase each year.

    For more information, refer to Death & TPD and Death Only Insurance fact sheet available here, Also, view the pages below.

  • As Triple S is an untaxed scheme, members are not able to claim a tax deduction on after-tax contributions.

    As an alternative, they are able to use either Super SA Select or Super SA Flexible Rollover Plan (FRP) to claim after-tax contributions as these are taxed funds.

    For more information about these taxed schemes, refer to:
  • If you’re in need of detailed information in regard to nominating a beneficiary, we recommend that you look at the Product Disclosure Statement for your client’s specific scheme.

    In the Triple S Scheme death benefits are normally payable to the member’s spouse or putative spouse following death. Members cannot nominate a beneficiary but can nominate a legal personal representative (estate) to receive the benefit on their death.

    The legal personal representative is the person appointed as the executor or administrator of their estate, following their death.

    By nominating a legal personal representative, the member's death benefit will be paid to their estate, rather than directly to their spouse, and distributed according to their Will and  Statutes. Legal personal representative nominations are valid for 3 years, at which time they can be renewed or they will cease to be valid.

    If a member does not have a valid legal personal representative nomination in place with Super SA at the time of their death, their superannuation entitlement and any insurance component will be paid to their spouse or, if they have no spouse, to their estate.

    A member should ensure that their Will reflects their wishes regarding the distribution of their estate.

    The rules can be different for each of our schemes. Please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statements for more information.
  • Most Triple S members (including new South Australian Government employees) are eligible for Fund Selection by requesting the South Australian Government's Fund Selection Notice form (not the standard choice form available through the ATO) from their employer.

    Those expressly excluded are:

    • members of other government schemes, who are solely members of Triple S for the purpose of salary sacrifice or government co-contribution payments.
    • members receiving 3% contributions as a result of the previous Public Sector Employee Superannuation Scheme (PSESS) entitlement.
    • members of other government schemes who become members of Triple S to ensure the government satisfies the requirements of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (eg Lump Sum Scheme contributors who have reduced their contributions to zero).

    Special arrangements apply to SA Police Officers, SA Ambulance Operational staff and SA Ambulance staff who transferred into Triple S from the SA Ambulance Service Superannuation Scheme under age 60. These employees may make only a Fund Selection between Triple S and Super SA Select.

    For more information, refer to the Triple S PDS and Super SA Select PDS.

  • Once every 12 months. Employers are not required to accept a request for a fund selection where an employee has made a fund selection within the last 12 months.

    This rule does not apply if the selected fund is unable to accept contributions. In this case, the employer must provide the employee with a Fund Selection Notice within 28 days.

  • Yes. Eligible employees may make a fund selection back to Triple S, including if the original fund selection was made to Super SA Select.
  • From 30 November 2022, we will be providing a Limited Public Offer. This will give Triple S and Super SA Select members the ability to direct contributions from employers other than the South Australian Government to Super SA Select – our taxed fund.

    Members wishing to direct their private contributions to Super SA Select must complete an application to join Super SA Select and provide their employer with a completed Pay my super into Super SA Select form. These forms will be available to download from 30 November 2022. 

  • From 30 November 2022, Triple S members will be able to receive a cash payment when they turn 65 – even if they are still working. This means their Triple S account will be assessable by Centrelink when they reach Age Pension age. This may have implications for members who until 30 November 2022 have had an exemption due to not having access to their Triple S benefits.

  • Super SA offers year-round webinars and seminars covering a range of topics to suit all members. You can direct your clients to Super SA’s website to register for any or all the sessions!

* If a member also receives concessional contributions in a taxed fund, any concessional contributions made to Triple S will be counted towards their annual concessional contributions cap in addition to any concessional contributions received by the taxed fund. Tax applies to both concessional contributions and earnings at the time a benefit is paid. The relevant tax rate depends on a member's age at the time the benefit is paid.

 A lifetime untaxed plan cap currently $1.78m applies (2024/25 financial year). Refer to the Triple S Product Disclosure Statement for further information. If a member also receives concessional contributions in a taxed fund, any concessional contributions made to Triple S will be counted towards your annual concessional contributions cap.

The superannuation schemes administered by Super SA are exempt public sector superannuation schemes and are not regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). Super SA is not required to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence to provide general advice about a Super SA product. The information in this publication is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Super SA recommends that before making any decisions about its products you consider the appropriateness of this information in the context of your own objectives, financial situation, and needs, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and seek financial advice from a licensed financial adviser in relation to your financial position and requirements.